The Fred Company
It's all to play for

UN Women

UN women

In collaboration with UN Women and Hollaback, we created two 360 films, looking at street harassment, and intimate partner violence (for the UN Women "Draw a Line" campaign). By using 360 film and VR headsets, the viewer is given a visceral experience that truly gives an insight into what it feels like to be harassed, or witness a distressing event. The pieces were very well received by visitors to the popup installations, particularly by men who commented that they’d never before been able to experience the intimidation of street harassment aimed at women. Our street harassment piece was first shown at the Nasty Women art exhibition in 2017, where several hundred people viewed it in VR headsets. The piece was subsequently featured as part of the BBC's #100women campaign and included in the BBC installation at Covent Garden in October 2017.